
Dr. Bharti Taneja's Alps Beauty Group

5 Natural skin recipes for Winter Glow 

Say goodbye to dull and dry skin with these deep-nourishing and glow-giving skin recipes that you can easily make at home. 

1. Take equal quantities of coarsely ground rice flour, Bengal gram flour, and fuller’s earth. Add to it a pinch of turmeric and some raw papaya pulp. Use this ubtan regularly to clean your face and hands. While turmeric is known for its anti-bacterial properties, gram flour is a good de-tanner. The papain enzyme present in raw papaya fruit helps in brightening your skin. This is a good ubtan for oily skin. It gently cleanses the skin and makes it smooth & soft. Rice flour has excellent anti-aging properties It comes loaded with antioxidants that fight free radicals and keep the skin youthful and radiant. The fuller’s earth will absorb all the excess oil and impurities from the skin.

2. Soak four strands of saffron in raw milk and add half a teaspoon of sandalwood powder and fuller’s earth to prepare a pack. It is ideal for dry skin. Saffron is known for its skin-brightening and anti-inflammatory properties. It also protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays and removes tan too. Daily application of this pack will help in reducing the effects of tanning and give you glowing skin. Sandalwood powder nourishes the skin as well as protects it from infections.

3. Prepare a face pack that is good for all skin types by adding dried orange peel, dried rose petals and neem leaves in equal quantities. Grind these to a fine powder, sieve it and store it in a glass container. You can use a spoonful of this mixture with fresh orange juice to scrub your skin every day. While rose petals contain natural oils that lock in the moisture, orange peel helps fight blackhead, blemishes, dead cells and acne. Neem leaves will protect the skin from skin infections.

4. A feeling of skin tightness and appearance of fine lines are the common dry skin problems. Tackle these two dry skin problems with a deeply nourishing face pack. Mix a spoonful of gram flour with 2 drops of lavender oil, 2 drops of wheat germ oil and an egg white. Apply the paste on your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cold water. The star ingredient in this pack is wheat germ oil, which offers a healthy concoction of folic acid and vitamin B6 & E. It also has anti-aging properties and helps smoothen those fine lines. Egg white helps shrink the pores and tighten the skin. Lavender soothes the face and lessens any redness.

5. Add a choker to raw milk and allow it to soak well. Then add some fresh carrot juice, a pinch of turmeric and a teaspoon of sandalwood powder. Mix all the ingredients to make a paste and massage it gently on the face. Wash it after 10 minutes. It is good for all skin types. Raw milk is the most versatile kitchen-ingredient that works as a toner, moisturizer, cleanser & anti-tanning agent. Adding carrot juices brings freshness to this pack. It also helps improve the complexion. You can use this pack to get that party-glow.

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